ASV Nacionālais meteoroloģijas dienests atzīst kļūdīšanos sniegputeņa prognozēs (papild.) •

ASV Nacionālais meteoroloģijas dienests atzīst kļūdīšanos sniegputeņa prognozēs (papild.)

Sniega tīrītājs darbā Masačūsetsā. Foto: EPA/LETA

Sešos ASV štatos tika izsludināts ārkārtas stāvoklis

ASV Nacionālais meteoroloģijas dienests (NWS) atzinis, ka kļūdījies prognozēs par “potenciāli vēsturisko sniegavētru”, kas skāra ASV ziemeļrietumus.

Vētra atnesa biezu sniega segu Konektikutā un Masačūsetsā, bet Ņujorku neskāra tik ļoti, kā prognozēja meteorologi, ziņo LETA/AFP.

Amatpersonas un meteorologi sākotnēji brīdināja, ka sniegputenis “Džuno” (Juno), visticamāk, paralizēs visu Ņujorku un Jaunanglijas reģionu.

Tomēr Ņujorkas varasiestādes un meteorologi aizstāvēja pirmdien izsludināto trauksmi un īstenotos piesardzības pasākumus. Arī Ņujorkas mērs Bils de Blasio noliedza, ka būtu pārspīlējis un uzsvēra, ka tikai rīkojies saskaņā ar pieejamo informāciju, gādājot par iedzīvotāju drošību.

Pilsētas varasiestādes strikti ierobežoja satiksmi un pirmo reizi metro vēsturē slēdza to sniega dēļ, taču meteorologu prognozēto stipro snigšanu ņujorkieši tā arī nesagaidīja, un otrdien pilsētas dzīve palēnām atgriezās normālajā ritmā. Trešdien darbu atsāks arī skolas, kas sniegputeņa dēļ tika slēgtas.

Tikmēr Masačūsetsā sniega segas biezums vietām pārsniedza 75 centimetrus un tūkstošiem cilvēku palika bez elektrības. Bieza sniega sega pārklāja arī Konektikutu.

Jau ziņots, ka ASV ziemeļaustrumus skāra sniega vētra “Džuno” (Juno). Spēcīgais sniegputenis paralizēja Ņujorku un citas ASV ziemeļaustrumu pilsētas.

Meteorologi uzskatīja, ka sniega segas biezums var sasniegt līdz 90 cm, bet vēja ātrums pat līdz 120 km/h, raksta BBC.

Jau kopš pirmdienas atcelti tūkstošiem avioreisu un iedzīvotāji aicināti palikt mājās. Pirmdien un otrdien atcelti vairāk nekā 5100 plānoto avioreisu, liecina tīmekļa vietnē “” publiskotā informācija. Ņujorkas varasiestādes aizliegušas jebkura transporta, izņemot avārijas dienestu, pārvietošanos. Slēgts metro.

Ņujorkas štatā, Ņūdžersijā, Konektikutā, Rodailendā, Masačūsetsā un Ņūhempšīrā izsludināts ārkārtas stāvoklis. Šo štatu apgabalā dzīvo aptuveni 60 miljoni iedzīvotāju.

Meteodienesti uzskata, ka vētra, kas tuvojas, var būt lielākā vēsturē – varbūt pat stiprāka nekā tiek prognozēts. Ņujorkas pilsētas mērs Bils de Blasio aicinājis iedzīvotājus netraucēt 2300 sniega savācējmašīnām strādāt.

(papildināta no sākuma)

Komentāri (23)

Andris Doveiks 28.01.2015. 09.24

Eric King: “Gerald, what is the closure of New York really about?”

Celente: “The closing down of New York is a dress rehearsal for total control of people’s lives. This has been like the Boston Marathon bombing, where there is ‘shelter in place,’ — stay home. Yesterday the front page of the Boston Herald said, ‘Nobody Move!’….

“Here in New York we had the mayor saying that you were not even allowed to deliver food with bicycles. Bicycle delivery services have been operating in New York for well over 100 years. The mayor said bicycles are not an ‘emergency vehicle.’

Up here in Kingston, where we are two hours north of New York City, we only had an inch and a half of snow but they closed down the Post Office and the bridges crossing the Hudson River. With no snow on the ground they put out an alert that said you would get a ‘$300 fine for driving.’ New York’s Mayor also said the ban covered ‘anything that has to do with leisure or convenience.’

Unprecedented Ban On Bicycles

New York Mayor Bill de Blassio said at his press conference that ‘A food delivery bicycle is not an emergency vehicle.’ Food delivery was labeled a ‘convenience,’ even if people had no food. He also said ‘People have to stay off the streets and stay off the sidewalks.’ Who the heck is he to tell anybody what to do?”

Eric King: “So you see this as a dress rehearsal for total control of people’s lives?”

Celente: “That is why I brought up what happened with the terrorist attack in Boston. They closed down the entire city within 50 miles of where it took place. They stopped the trains running from New York to Boston. Then the police went searching for one suspect house-to-house, without warrants — to condition people to give up their rights as U.S. citizens.

People Are Being Conditioned Not To Question Authority

We saw photos of women coming out of their homes with children, with their hands up, while all these goons dressed in their body armor with their AK-47’s aimed at them were sitting on their Swat vehicles that were brought over from the Iraq and Afghan Wars.

What did that do? It put the people in the frame of mind that the government and the military are in control of them. Eric, that’s what they just did with this snow alert. This is being done for snow? That’s all this is is snow? This is unprecedented. Everything in New York City was shut down.

Gestapo-Style Tactics

Like I said earlier, if you go driving and you are caught, you are fined $300. As a matter of fact, up in Providence, Rhode Island, they actually arrested people who were driving on the roads. We have become a nation where people have lost their courage and are willing to submit to these Gestapo-style tactics of control.

And we now have losers and liars called politicians who are now running our lives from cradle to grave. They are now telling you that you can’t go out into the streets when it’s snowing? This situation is a total disgrace, as Americans are now bowing down to the total control of their lives. Pretty soon they will ban children from making ‘snowmen,’ instead it will have to be Frosty the transgender snow-person.”




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